• Ghana

Africa Makerspace Network Study Week Program

  • 23 June, 2022 | 24 June, 2022 at: 10.00 – 12.30 h GMT time
  • Online

The African Makerspace Network (AMN) is a community of African Makerspaces comprising researchers, innovators, hobbyists and students that use tools and equipment within a structured space for skills and knowledge sharing, community problem solving towards attaining a sustainable development in Africa.


Developing the right attitude, communication, work ethics, team work, and many other relevant skills can play an important role in the growth and success of an organization. It is for this reason that the Africa Makerspace Network introduced the Study Week Program in 2021 to equip its members as well as makers and innovators around the world with relevant skills necessary for the development of their organizations.


This year, the AMN Study Week Program is centered on the theme, “Promoting the Growth of Digital Innovation Hubs” and focuses on the areas of Organizational Management, Team Building, Partnership and Sustainability among others.


Know more about the event on AMN webpage: http://africamakerspace.net/#/home


Link to AMN FB page: https://web.facebook.com/AMGathering/?_rdc=1&_rdr


Link to AMN Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/africa-makerspace-network-371848221 



Geraldine De Bastion, Priscilla Serwaah Gyasi, Felista Aku, Frank Landon Bentum, Chris Armstrong, Freda Yamorti Gbande, Maurice Cashinco, Laud Anthony Basing, Gameli Adzaho.


Register to join a two day experience that will build your organizational, team building and partnership skills!

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