• Mexico

Fab City Summit Mexico 2024

  • 10 - 15 August, 2024
  • Mexico

Fab City Summit and Fab Conference Mexico 2024

Fab City Summit is organised by the Fab City Foundation: 


>>Fab City Summit Mexico<<

>>Fab Conference Mexico <<

This is a working opportunity for mayors, city leaders, policy makers, representatives of FabLabs and maker spaces, and citizens to come together and develop actions towards citizen-led self-sufficient cities.

The event is linked to the annual event of the FabLab Network, which brings together the global community of 2000+ FabLabs. This is a key event for bringing together mAkE target groups from Africa and Europe, with specific focus on the opportunity for the dissemination and exploitation of project outputs. It is also the annual opportunity for new cities to join the Fab City Network.

Co-ordinated by

  • https://fab.city/
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