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The Common Policy Agenda is released!

Makerspaces are community-driven hubs for local production and empowerment, but often

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mAkE at AfricaOSH Summit 2024

AfricaOSH Summit – Credits to: AfricaOSH The AfricaOSH Summit 2024, was

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The mAkE community brings African makers to Europe for a month long residency

What does a makerspace residency mean between African and European makers

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Fostering Cross-Continental Innovation Through the mAkE-MOOC

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From Local to Global: The Power of the Map of Machinery

Watch the mAkE talk about it: The Map of Machinery is

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Makerspaces everywhere! Welcome to the Philippines, an inspiration for policy makers

There are more FabLabs and makerspaces in the Philippines than there

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How can governments support makerspaces?

Makerspaces are a new type of actor group that are really

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Meet the faces of the mAkE Jury Board

Meet the faces of the mAkE Jury Board

The EU mAkE Programme is an exciting EU-funded initiative that supports young entrepreneurial makers and makerspaces from Africa and Europe in developing prototypes of their digital innovation solutions to societal challenges. Through a combination of training and mentorship, the EU mAkE Programme empowers young people to create positive change in their communities and beyond by […]

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A survey on OER for Makerspaces

A survey on OER for Makerspaces

Are you a maker or makerspace? Do you know any Open Educational Resources (OER) related to makerspaces, fablabs or any other kind of DIH? We invite you to fill out this survey, to help the mAkE project with your precious and valuable answers! TAKE THE SURVEY  About the mAkE project The mAkE project is a […]

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Knowledge Pills: Manufacturing Change

Knowledge Pills: Manufacturing Change

Discover the Knowledge Pills series, featuring the partners work within the mAkE ecosystem! In the sixth Knowledge Pills we had Manufacturing Change joining. Presenting:Anna Sera Lowe Introducing the Open Catalogue of Business Models: a guide to financial sustainability for an ecosystem of decentralised production. Watch the previous Knowledge Pills:

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Fab City: Activating meaningful design worldwide

Fab City: Activating meaningful design worldwide

How can cities be a part of making citizen-driven, self-sufficient futures possible? The Fab City Foundation is the stewarding body of the Global Initiative of Fab City which aims to shift the global production paradigm towards more meaningful approach to how we organise production and consumption in cities, to move away from complex global supply […]

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Knowledge Pills: Global Innovation Gathering

Knowledge Pills: Global Innovation Gathering

Discover the Knowledge Pills series, featuring the partners work within the mAkE ecosystem! In the fourth Knowledge Pills we had Gobal Innovation Gathering joining, sharing with us how to build a community. Presenter:Geraldine de Bastion Global Innovation Gathering is pursuing a new vision for global cooperation based on equality, openness and sharing. The aim is to […]

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Knowledge Pills: Critical Making

Knowledge Pills: Critical Making

Discover the Knowledge Pills series, featuring the partners work within the mAkE ecosystem! In the third Knowledge Pills we had Critical Making joining. Presenting:Barbara Kieslinger and Teresa Schäfer In Critical Making we focus on critical and socially responsible making, and show how global maker communities can offer new opportunities for young talents of all genders […]

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Embracing Sustainable Business Models: Reflections on the Africa Makerspace Network Study Program

Embracing Sustainable Business Models: Reflections on the Africa Makerspace Network Study Program

The Africa Makerspace Network Study Program is a program developed annually by the Africa Makerspace Network within mAkE. This year, it has provided us with a unique and transformative experience, immersing in the world of makers and empowering us to explore the potential of sustainable business models. In this blog post, we reflect on our […]

Read Business models
New resource expand the mAkErverse sustainability: the Open Catalogue of Business Models and website launch 

New resource expand the mAkErverse sustainability: the Open Catalogue of Business Models and website launch 

January 31, 2024. Over the last 2 years, the mAkE project has actively worked to enhance the sustainability and collaboration among African and European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)/makerspaces and the startups they support. This progress was achieved through various initiatives, including the introduction of the Maker in-residency program and the launch of the PSS, a […]

Imagine the maker movement taking over the main square of a capital city – really? Really!

Imagine the maker movement taking over the main square of a capital city – really? Really!

Think of a capital city and its main square. Perhaps Plaza Mayor in Madrid, Spain. Or Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. Maybe Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. Or Uhuru Park in Nairobi, Kenya. Now imagine it filled with the maker movement, like a Maker Faire. Imagine a main stage right in the centre […]

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The mAkE project celebrates its first anniversary 

The mAkE project celebrates its first anniversary 

March 21, 2023 In its first year, the mAkE project has succeeded in producing new resources, a video, and taking the first steps towards: providing makerspaces, entrepreneurs, SMEs, and start-ups with open resources and new open standards and tools to enable them to build sustainable businesses; and fostering networks of local, smart production and cooperation […]