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Fostering Cross-Continental Innovation Through the mAkE-MOOC

The mAkE project is setting a new standard in global collaboration by bridging African and European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) through its comprehensive learning platform. At the heart of this initiative is the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform, an integral part of the project’s Work Package 3, which focuses on Open Education, Skills Development, and Capacity Building.

This platform is not just another educational resource—it’s a catalyst for empowering innovators with the tools they need to drive impactful change in their communities.

Whether you are an educator, an innovator, or simply passionate about social impact, the mAkE-MOOC offers a diverse range of courses designed to enhance the capabilities of makerspaces and foster social innovation.

Key Themes of the mAkE-MOOC

The mAkE-MOOC platform is a rich resource, offering courses that cover a wide array of topics crucial for educators and learners alike. Here is a glimpse of what you can explore:

Main TopicsDescription 
Organizational DevelopmentCourses that delve into management practices and leadership skills, providing participants with a strong foundation for running successful hubs.
Collaborations and Opportunities Networking techniques and partnership development are at the core of this theme, enabling participants to build and sustain meaningful collaborations.
Business and MakerspacesDiscover how to merge creativity with viable business strategies through courses on sustainable business models and entrepreneurship in makerspaces.
Information and CommunicationLearn about digital communication strategies and information systems that equip you with the tools to effectively manage and disseminate information.
Mediation Science-Society for Social Innovation Courses focused on science communication and community engagement help translate research into real-world social innovations.
Topics of the mAkE MOOC

How to Submit a Course to the mAkE-MOOC

To maintain consistency and high standards across all courses, the mAkE project has developed a MOOC Course Content Submission Template. This template is a guide for educators and innovators who wish to contribute their expertise to the platform. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Download and Complete the MOOC Course Content Submission Template:
    • Begin by downloading the template provided by the mAkE project.
    • Fill in all required sections, including the course overview, objectives, weekly modules, assessments, and grading criteria. This ensures that your course is well-structured and aligned with the project’s goals.
  2. Outline Your Course Structure:
    • Break down your course into weekly modules, detailing the topics, learning activities, and assessments.
    • Clearly specify the target audience, course prerequisites, and duration to give a comprehensive overview of your course.
  3. Submit the Completed Template:
    • Once you’ve completed the template, submit it to the WP3 team for review. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to discuss any necessary revisions and the next steps in the course development process.
  4. Collaborate with the WP3 Team:
    • After submission, the WP3 team will review your content, provide feedback, and work closely with you to refine and finalize the course. This collaborative process ensures that all courses meet the educational goals and quality standards of the mAkE project.
  5. Finalize and Launch Your Course:
    • After all revisions are made and your course content is approved, it will be integrated into the MOOC platform and made available to learners.

Check out the MOOC presentation:

Join the Global Community of the mAkE project

The mAkE-MOOC is more than just a learning platform—it’s a critical tool in the project’s mission to empower a global community of innovators. By submitting a course, you contribute to a growing repository of knowledge that supports sustainable development and social innovation across Africa and Europe. As the mAkE project continues to evolve, this platform will remain a vital resource for learners and educators, promoting sustainable and impactful innovation through makerspaces across continents. 

  • Open source

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