Contracting for Distributed Manufacturing
Through WP4, our objective is to build digital systems that enhance
Through WP4, our objective is to build digital systems that enhance
My name is Martine Basaninyage and this year, I had the
My name is Asem Kamal, and I am a YouTuber and
My time at Fab Lab Barcelona as part of the Makers-in-Residency
My name is Witness Shangali, and I am a member of
Makerspaces are community-driven hubs for local production and empowerment, but often
AfricaOSH Summit – Credits to: AfricaOSH The AfricaOSH Summit 2024, was
What does a makerspace residency mean between African and European makers
Watch the mAkE talk about it: The Map of Machinery is
There are more FabLabs and makerspaces in the Philippines than there
Makerspaces are a new type of actor group that are really
January 31, 2024. Over the last 2 years, the mAkE project
“Last month, I had the privilege of visiting Cape Town for