Through WP4, our objective is to build digital systems that enhance
My name is Martine Basaninyage and this year, I had the
My name is Asem Kamal, and I am a YouTuber and
My time at Fab Lab Barcelona as part of the Makers-in-Residency
My name is Witness Shangali, and I am a member of
Makerspaces are community-driven hubs for local production and empowerment, but often
AfricaOSH Summit – Credits to: AfricaOSH The AfricaOSH Summit 2024, was
What does a makerspace residency mean between African and European makers
Watch the mAkE talk about it: The Map of Machinery is
There are more FabLabs and makerspaces in the Philippines than there
Makerspaces are a new type of actor group that are really
January 31, 2024. Over the last 2 years, the mAkE project
“Last month, I had the privilege of visiting Cape Town for